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人工智能的英文作文一:How will the AI affect our life ?

The Robot is the most direct embodiment of artificial intelligence. There are a lot of robots in our lives that help us.For example:

A robot that can sweep the floor:It can automatically complete the floor cleaning work in the room. General brush and vacuum, the ground debris into its own storage boxes, thereby completing the function of cleaning the ground, is a good helper for busy office workers.

Robot capable of operation:In May 2015, a segment of the robot cut the grapes and cut the grapes into the perfect stitching of the video on the Internet became popular, people are very surprised. Yes, that is the "Da Vinci" surgical robot. Da Vinci surgical robot forte is minimally invasive surgery. It can assist doctors to carry out a small incision, the operation of complex surgery, but also on the operation of the image analysis, to help doctors better surgery. Da Vinci appeared to make more because of the difficulty of the operation will be to lose their lives to get help.

Nano robo:Nano robot is small, but it can cure disease, but also to control water pollution. Scientists in 2015 will be the nano robots to carry out clinical trials of Escherichia coli, in the study of wastewater treatment has been a great progress. Nano robot in the treatment of heart disease, the nano robot will go through a diameter of 2 to 3 mm of the catheter, to enter the specific parts of the need for treatment. This catheter technique can also be used in the brain and other parts, such as the intestinal tract and the urethra. The most difficult to enter these parts is to achieve a high degree of accuracy. For this reason, nanotechnology has long been hailed as the most ideal weapon against cancer in the future.

These are artificial intelligence for our life brings convenience embodiment, there are a number of other robots, such as, able to take weight and drive the robot and so on.

These days the big star of the "Alpha dog", it than our powerful is its operation ability, it is not beyond the human mind! And some occupations is cannot be replaced by robots, such as the need to human inspiration and creativity of the designers, to experience life and emotion of the teacher, the need of good or bad judgment of lawyers, and so on, artificial intelligence is not a panacea. I believe that one day the big white will go down the screen to come to people's side, become an indispensable human good friends, and like the terminator that the evil, will always remain on the screen.


How Will AI Affect Our Life The artificial intelligence, such as a computer that thinks like a human being is scary. When it comes to this issues, different people offer different views, some people think that machine has feelings like human beings is interesting and it may be a better server to human; while the other think it is dangerous, it may causes a revolt.

In my opinion, We should not be afraid of artificial intelligence. It is the science and technology revolution that makes the modern civilization.let me talk some advantages of AI. On the one hand ,AI makes our society much richer than before.Because AI makes the same labors can produce more products in the same time. On the other hand, Computer is the most common artificial intelligence products. Without computer,we may not know so much about the updated information of the world.Without computer,scientist may not invent so many amazing inventions. In summary I sure AI has bright future.

In a word,AI changes our life in everywhere and we can see AI in everywhere.Maybe we think there is not any weakness in AI.


1. 对于人工智能的看法英语作文

2. 人工智能英语作文

3. 人工智能英文版作文

4. 有关人工智能利弊的英语作文

5. 对人工智能的看法英文作文

6. 人工智能影响生活英语作文范文

7. 人工智能对人类影响英文作文

8. 关于人工智能的影响英文作文


人工智能(Artificial Intelligence),英文缩写为AI。它是研究、开发用于模拟、延伸和扩展人的智能的理论、方法、技术及应用系统的一门新的技术科学。














人工智能是研究、开发用于模拟、延伸和扩展人的智能的理论、 方法 、技术及应用系统的一门新的技术科学。那么你知道人工智能用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。


artificial intelligence



人工智能的相关 短语 :

美国人工智能协会 Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence

人工智能系统 artificial intelligence system

人工智能语言 ai language ; artificial intelligence language

人工智能机器 artificial intelligence machine

人工智能及应用 Artificial Intelligence and Its Application


1. It was the first commercially available machine to employ artificial intelligence.


2. Managers have learned to grapple with networking, artificial intelligence, computer-aided engineering and manufacturing.

经理们已经学会了如何应 对联 网、人工智能、计算机辅助工程和制造。

3. Simon's book provides a succinct outline of artificial intelligence and its application to robotics.


4. Problems of the latter category were generally lumped under the term Artificial Intelligence.


5. Do you believe in robotics and artificial intelligence?

你们相信机器人技术和人工智能 吗 ?

6. In the Commonwealth, artificial intelligences had all the rights and priviledges of any other citizen.

在联邦里, 人工智能拥有和其他公民一样的全部的权利和特权.

7. This subject qualifies as an Artificial Intelligence and Applications concentration subject.


8. The voice uses a microchip and artificial intelligence to translate languages.


9. It'solves the conceptual design's knowledge expression, using artificial intelligence method.


10. Artificial - intellig ence brokers will translate your expertise into software.


11. The human brains behind this artificial brain are two undergraduate students.


12. The robot of artificial intelligence in my mind is human good assistant.


13. In the world of artificial intelligence, have the robot as human friend.

在人工智能世界里, 有作为人类朋友的机器人.

14. The university will receive a subsidy for research in artificial intelligence.


15. Case based reasoning ( CBR ) is an important reasoning technique in the AI Application.

案例推理CB R ( CaseBasedReasoning ) 是人工智能应用中的一种重要推理技术.


工智能(Artificial Intelligence)是研究、开发用于模拟、延伸和扩展人智能的理论、方法、技术及应用系统的一门新技术科学。人工智能领域的研究包括机器人、语言识别、图像识别、自然语言处理和专家系统等。

人工智能(Artificial Intelligence),英文缩写为AI。它是研究、开发用于模拟、延伸和扩展人的智能的理论、方法、技术及应用系统的一门新技术科学。














Recently, Google’s AlphaGo have become the most famous artificial intelligence since it defeated Lee Sedol, the World Go Champion, 4 to 1 in a five-game match. Lee ,a world champion,cannot win a "robot",it seems like impossible,but in fact,facts speak louder than words.

The machine’s sweeping victories have once again made AI a hot topic. Some people welcome the progress and the artificial intelligence is expected to benefit mankind in more fields;other people worry that artificial intelligence will eventually get out of control.

Indeed, artificial intelligence can benefit mankind in many fields,such as treatment of diseases, industrial production and large data calculation.As for Google’s AlphaGo,it has achieved great progress and this progress could be revolutionary.

At the same time,some people think we should not be carried away by convenience,we cannot ignore the risk of artificial intelligence.But actually,most of people come into contact with artificial intelligence in science fiction.Their panic root in survival contradiction of artificial intelligence and human in the movies or novels. There is no denying that their concerns is reasonable.But in my point of view,it is not a computer beats the human, but human defeated the human.

First of all,the development of artificial intelligence will lead to unemployment in a large fields.This is the most direct consequences.Artificial intelligence can work more efficiently,and nobody can deny that they can work as cheaper labour.Then, the most affected areas is areas of the economy.Many economic law can be modeled,society may be unstable.The last thing is people can be more and more lazy,people who is thinking would be only a few.It violates the original intention of social development.

However,artificial intelligence also have the positive side, they won't be tired and food and water become unnecessary,they work by electricity. But we should understand that the advantages should not be abused,if so,there will be an unpredictable ending.

To make a long story short,artificial intelligence will become our "invisible assistant" rather than our competitors in within a period of time,we should cooperate fully with artificial intelligence,using it appropriately is the right way in my mind.


Don’t Rely Too Much on Computers

Nowadays, a large number of people are becoming increasingly dependent on their PC. They might use such computer software as QQ or Fetion to stay in touch with their family and friends. They may surf the Internet to find useful information for them or to help their work done. Anyway, reasons for relying on computers are uncountable.

However, relying excessively on computers can bring about lots of problems. First and for most, computers can make people lazy. Computers are faster than human in calculation, more capable in getting things done all at one time. Once a person has such an assistant, he or she can be addicted to getting helped. Thus, when they run into problems, instead of thinking by themselves and trying their best to figure things out, the lazy version of them may just turn to computer for convenience.

In my opinion, we should strike a balance between asking for help from computers and working on our own. Nevertheless, computers are only tools devised by human who should not be taken place by them. Only in keeping our minds active and brains trained can we human invent smarter devices than computer and build a better world of intelligence.


1. 对于人工智能的看法英语作文

2. 有关人工智能利弊的英语作文

3. 人工智能影响生活英语作文范文

4. 人工智能的利弊高中英语作文

5. 人工智能如何改变生活英语作文

6. 人工智能怎样改变生活英语作文

7. 人工智能怎样影响人类的英语作文

8. 人工智能英文版作文

